Dear Visitors, I would like to wish you all a very happy and blessed Eid Al Fitr Holiday.
I should have been prepared to post about Eid cookies but this time of the year is a very busy time for me and my family with moving homes and traveling. I am sorry to disappoint you all, but I hope next holiday I will have something traditional and delicious to post.
In the light of this blessed holiday, I am going to post this video of a recipe I made a while back for Date Biscotti, I will post the recipe later when I have enough time, but enjoy watching the video recipe.
Also, I would like to thank you all for your support and continuos visits to my cooking blog, Mimi Cooks, I think by the end of today my visitors count on that blog will reach the 100,000 visitors!!! I appreciate it a lot and I appreciate your comments and just showing up to check the blog and recipes out.
أعزائي زوار هذا الموقع, تمنياتي لكم جميعا بعيد فطر سعيد. اعتذر لكم جميعا لعدم تحضير وصفة كعك العيد و المعمول التقليديه و ذلك لأنشغالي في الأنتقال من منزل لاخر و ايضا سفري المستمر. أعدكم بأن أحضر وصفات الكعك في مناسبات قادمه ان شاء الله.
اليوم سأضع وصفة بسكوت بالتمر, سأقوم بوضع التفاصيل عندما يكون لدي وقت اكبر قريبا ان شاء الله. اتمنى لكم قضاء وقت ممتع في هذه العطله مع عائلاتكم و كل سنه و انتم سالمين