Al Kunafah (Knafeh) is one of the most well known sweets in Palestine, Jordan and Lebanon .There are two types of Knafeh, khishneh (Arabic خشنة) "rough": this looks like long thin threads or hair, and the other type is na'ama, na3meh, (Arabic ناعمة) "fine": this pastry is cut in very small and fine pieces.In Lebanon, people usually eat Knafeh as a breakfast food, stuffed in a special kind of pocket bread that is topped with sesame seeds, called Kaek, Ka3ek .
The city of Nablus in Palestine, is considered the most famous city for Knafeh making. Al Knafeh al Nabulsyya originated from Nablus and named after the city for the usage of specialty cheese in preparing this dessert. The usage of Nabulsyya cheese copmlements the taste and flavor of this dessert, as it melts properly and tastes perfect with the sweetness of the sugar syrup and Knafeh cooked dough. It is plain delicious and irresistible! There are many differnet recipes to prepare Knafeh, and it is usually called after the filling used, such as Knafelh with walnuts, with full cream or pistachios.
Although it is easy to obtain Knafeh in most Arab countries in specialty restaurants, but home made Knafeh has a special taste that is wonderful. Ingredients for this simple and delicious dessert are found in local markets, even in the United States of America they are available at local supermarkets and Greek grocries, where it is called Katifi . Akkawi cheese is found in Middle Eastern stores. In case you do not find Akkawi or Nabulsyya cheese, you can replaced it with a mix of Ricotta and Mozzarella cheese, keeping in mind the quantities used in the original recipes. The usage of sugar syrup is a must to complete this delicious dessert.
Ingredients according to my recipe on the video:
1 Package Kataifi, about 1 Kilogram
1/2 pound butter, melted (227 grams)
1 pound Akkawi cheese (454 grams)
1/2 pound Mozzarella cheese (227 grams)
Sugar syrup
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
Butter the baking pan.
If you are using Nabulsyya cheese, you need to soak it over night in water and change the water frequently to get rid of the high salt content in it. Also, If you are using Akkawi cheese, you need to get rid of the salt in it by soaking it for an hour or so, changing the water frequently until most of the salt is washed out.
In a large bowl gently loosen the knafeh dough . Mix very well with the ½ pound of melted butter by rubbing the dough between your hands with the butter, adding it little by little. This process should take about 10 to 15 minutes.The dough should become fluffy and light, if you gather it with your hands and let go it should retain its fullfy texture.
Cover the pan with 3/4 of the dough, press down lightly. Add cheese evenly, then add the top layer of the dough, not as thick as the bottom layer. If using Ricotta cheese, spread in an even layer over the knafeh dough ,and then the mozzarella cheese, then cover with the remaining half of the dough. Press down gently.
Bake until lightly golden, about 15 to 18 minutes on a 350 degrees F. If you shake the pan, it should be loose and the edges are brownish, this means that the Knafeh is done.
Immediately pour cold sugar syrup evenly over the hot Knafeh , sprinkle the pistachios on top of it and serve hot. Enjoy!
A note: You can add a quarter of a teaspoon knafeh orange dye in accordance with the dough while working on it with butter if it is available, but if you cannot find it , baking the knafeh to a gloden color would make it look good too.
The city of Nablus in Palestine, is considered the most famous city for Knafeh making. Al Knafeh al Nabulsyya originated from Nablus and named after the city for the usage of specialty cheese in preparing this dessert. The usage of Nabulsyya cheese copmlements the taste and flavor of this dessert, as it melts properly and tastes perfect with the sweetness of the sugar syrup and Knafeh cooked dough. It is plain delicious and irresistible! There are many differnet recipes to prepare Knafeh, and it is usually called after the filling used, such as Knafelh with walnuts, with full cream or pistachios.
Although it is easy to obtain Knafeh in most Arab countries in specialty restaurants, but home made Knafeh has a special taste that is wonderful. Ingredients for this simple and delicious dessert are found in local markets, even in the United States of America they are available at local supermarkets and Greek grocries, where it is called Katifi . Akkawi cheese is found in Middle Eastern stores. In case you do not find Akkawi or Nabulsyya cheese, you can replaced it with a mix of Ricotta and Mozzarella cheese, keeping in mind the quantities used in the original recipes. The usage of sugar syrup is a must to complete this delicious dessert.
Ingredients according to my recipe on the video:
1 Package Kataifi, about 1 Kilogram
1/2 pound butter, melted (227 grams)
1 pound Akkawi cheese (454 grams)
1/2 pound Mozzarella cheese (227 grams)
Sugar syrup
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
Butter the baking pan.
If you are using Nabulsyya cheese, you need to soak it over night in water and change the water frequently to get rid of the high salt content in it. Also, If you are using Akkawi cheese, you need to get rid of the salt in it by soaking it for an hour or so, changing the water frequently until most of the salt is washed out.
In a large bowl gently loosen the knafeh dough . Mix very well with the ½ pound of melted butter by rubbing the dough between your hands with the butter, adding it little by little. This process should take about 10 to 15 minutes.The dough should become fluffy and light, if you gather it with your hands and let go it should retain its fullfy texture.
Cover the pan with 3/4 of the dough, press down lightly. Add cheese evenly, then add the top layer of the dough, not as thick as the bottom layer. If using Ricotta cheese, spread in an even layer over the knafeh dough ,and then the mozzarella cheese, then cover with the remaining half of the dough. Press down gently.
Bake until lightly golden, about 15 to 18 minutes on a 350 degrees F. If you shake the pan, it should be loose and the edges are brownish, this means that the Knafeh is done.
Immediately pour cold sugar syrup evenly over the hot Knafeh , sprinkle the pistachios on top of it and serve hot. Enjoy!
A note: You can add a quarter of a teaspoon knafeh orange dye in accordance with the dough while working on it with butter if it is available, but if you cannot find it , baking the knafeh to a gloden color would make it look good too.
الكنافة من أشهر الحلويات في فلسطين و لبنان. وتعتبر مدينة نابلس المدينة الأكثر شهرة في صنعها وذلك لإستعمال الجبنة النابلسية اللذيذة الطعم للحشي.هذه الجبنه ميزتها انها تذوب و تصبح لذيذة الطعم عند الخبز. هناك نوعان من الكنافه, الكنافه الخشنه و الكنافه الناعمه
هناك العديد من وصفات الكنافه مُحضّره بحشوات غير الجبنه مثل ألقشطه, الجوز أو الفستق الحلبي, و تمسى الكنافه حسب حشوتها ككنافة القشطه, أو كنافه بالجوز. مع انه من السهل الحصول على الكنافه في معظم الدول
العربيه من المطاعم المتخصصه و لكن شغل البيت يكون بمذاق خاص و لذيذ.

مكونات هذا الحلو بسيطة وموجودة في الأسواق المحليه حتى في الولايات المتحده ألأميركيه حيث تباع عجينة الكنافه في أي سوبر ماركت محلّيه أو اي متجر يبيع المنتجات اليونانيه, و الجبنه العكّاوي موجوده لدى محلات البقاله العربيه. يمكن الأستعاضه بالجبن النابسلي أو ألعكّاوي بجبنة الريكوتا مع أضافة جبنة الموزاريلا للكنافه بنفس النسب المستعمله في الوصفه. بالطبع الكنافه تُشرّب بالقطر الذي يزيد من حلاوة طعمها
المقاديرللوصفه التي استعملتها:
قرص جبن عكاوي, حوالي نصف كيلو- أو جبنة ريكوتا
ربع كيلو جبنة موزاريلا مبروشه
عجينة الكنافة:
علبة عجينة كنافة- البعض يسميهاعجينة قطايف او قطايفي
نصف كوب زبدة طريه أو مذابة
بأمكانك اضافة ربع ملعقه صغيره صبغة كنافه البرتقالية اللون حسب الرغبه و لكن اذا تم خبز الكنافه جيدا و تحميص وجهها فيكون بأمكانك الأستغناء عن الصبغه.
عجينة الكنافه تشبه الشعر الرفيع و تكون طريه. قطعي الكنافه بيديك ثم اضيفي اليها الزبده على مراحل وافركيها جيدا حتى تتشرب الزبده و تصبح خفيفه بحيث أذا تم الضغط على العجينه تسترجع شكلها المنفوش

أذا استعملتي الجبنه النابلسيه أو العكّاوي, يجب تحليتها لفتره, الجبنه النابلسيه تتحمّل النقع في الماء لمدة يوم أو يومين في البرّاد مع تغيير الماء عليها,لأنها عالية الملوحه بينما الجبن العكّاوي يتم غسله و نقعه لمدة ساعة من الزمن مع تغيير الماء ايضا تكرارا حتى تصبح قليلة الملح عند تذوّقها. جبنة الريكوتا غير مملّحه ولا تحتاج الى التحليه ابدا و كذلك جبنة الموزاريلا قطعي الجبنه شرائح رقيقه قبل التخلّص من ملوحتها.
ادهني الصينيه بالزبده ثم افردي فيها ثلاث ارباع كمية الكنافه المفروكه.
رُصّي عليها الجبنه أو رشيها اذا كانت مبشوره. ألجبنه يجب ان تغطي طبقة الكنافه كليا..
افردي ما تبقى من الكنافه على الوجه وسيكون طبقه خفيفه
رشّي الزبده المذابه على وجه الصينيه
ألطريقه ألأصليه لخبز الكنافه تتم على طباخ الغاز أو ألكهرباء من فوق و ليس بالفرن , ويراعى لف الصينيه باستمرار حتى تتحمر من جميع الجهات ثم يتم قلبها على صينيه أكبر من الصينيه المستعمله في الخبز حيث يصبح الوجه المحمّر من ألأعلى , و لكني في العاده أخبزها بزهافي فرن حرارته 180 درجه مئويه لمدة15-18 دقيقة الى ان تصبح شقراء اللون. ستلاحظين ان الحواف اصبحت مقرمشة بعض الشيء، وان الكنافة تتحرك في الصينية حين تهزيها بهدوء و هذا يعني انها تحمرت من اسفل. شرّبي الكنافه و هي ساخنه بالقطر البارد, رشّي عليها الفستق الحلبي المفروم. للأستمتاع بالكنافه يجب تقديمها ساخنه.
Does the mozzarella cheese require soaking and draining (as the Nabulsiyya cheese)
Anonymous, NO, you should use Mozzarella cheese right out of the packet without doing anything to it. If you wash or soak it, it will disintegrate . Only Nabulsiyya and Akkawi cheese require that.
great layout of recipe thank you. I now realise what was wrong with my recipe. SO practically the ricotta must be the double amount of the mozzarella?
thank you
Solange, thanks for coming by and leaving a comment. i guess with Knafeh you can use as much cheese as you wish...depends on how cheesy you like it.
I am so craving this Kunafe,,this video makes it realistic and easu to make
hi, i live in non-arab country so the knafeh dough is nowhere to be found... What can I change it with? Any suggestion? Or can I make the dough myself?
i think you can make your own, but it will not look like hair! but i found this knafeh dough recipe that you can use for fine knafeh (naemeh):
* 3 cups semolina(smeed)
* 1 cup semne (Ghee or you can use butter)
* 1 cup sugar
* 1/4 cup of water
* Mix all the ingredients together.
* Put them all in a tray.
* Put the tray in the oven for a few minutes until it dries.
* Rub it until it becomes soft and smooth.
* When you want to make any recipe,mix the dough first with some butter and put it at the bottom of a tray until it cover it very well,press little bit until it sticks,and then continue what you want to do such as filling it with cheese or nuts. you can put another top layer of it too and bake. hope the recipe works out for you.
انا ام طيبه من المتابعين لطبخاتك اللذيذه وحابه اسألك عن طريقة لذيذه للكنافه الناعمه
أهلا و سهلا ام طيبه. شكرا للمتابعه. ممكن تبعتي لي ايميلك و انا راح ارسللك الوصفه. شكرا كتير
Sounds good, but I noticed that salted cheeses ruin it.
thankxxxxxxxxxxx alot
thankxxxxxxxx alot
Thank you Tanya for coming by and leaving a comment.
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