A collection of dessert recipes, many with Middle Eastern flavors
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
ألقطر- شربات السكر- SUGAR SYRUP
Sugar syrup is a basic ingredients in most Middle Eastern sweets.ingredients:
2 cup white sugar
1 cup water
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 tablespoon Orange blossom water or Rose water (optional)
Direction:Dilute the sugar and water. Add lemon juice. Add Orange blossom water or rose water, let boil over then lower the heat until the syrup thickens a bit.Basic rule of thumb, pour hot syrup on cold sweets and pour cold syrup on hot sweets.
القطر أو شربات السكر هو من اهم الأضافات للحلويات الشرقيه. هذه وصفه سهله و مضمونة النجاحالمكوناتكوبين من السكركوب من الماءملعقه كبيره من عصير الليمونملعقه كبيره من ماء الزهر أو ماء الورد-حسب الرغبه
ذوّبي السكر مع الماء. أغلي الخليط, أضيفي عصير الليمون و ماء اللزهر أو ماء الورد. أغلي القطر على حراره عاليه في البدايه ثم على نار هادئه حتى يعقّد.أستعملي القطر الساخن مع الحلويات البارده و القطر البارد مع الحلويات الساخنه
Your both blogs are great. thanks for sharing your lovely recipies.
I prepare my syrup, justttt the same way as you, the only difference is that I make caramel/toffe with one cup of sugar then add it to the other cup previously mixed with water in order to obtain a honey coloured result. CHEERS
Your both blogs are great. thanks for sharing your lovely recipies.
I prepare my syrup, justttt the same way as you, the only difference is that I make caramel/toffe with one cup of sugar then add it to the other cup previously mixed with water in order to obtain a honey coloured result.
Kaother, thanks for your recipe, sounds great. i will try it sometime soon.
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